"What are you doing?!"
"The time has come..."
The Green Lantern slowly spread aside the rope binding the Red Ranger's lower body. Despite writhing and struggling, there was nowhere the ranger could escape to. Tied firmly and hung up, his futile attempts at dodging the hungry hands were met with the inevitable.
You can't do this! |
The Green Lantern forced open the ranger's tight uniform. The spandex clung tightly to his form but the villain pried it apart and reached in.
"NO! You can't! Stop!"
"I'll take as I please, you're in no position to stop me!"
As the Green Lantern reached in deeper, he felt the warmth of the hero's cock. He grabbed it tight and started draining his energy.
"Ahhhhhh!" exclaimed the hero. He felt his life force rapidly flow from him. Every second he felt even weaker. He felt as if his very being was being sucked out from him. "Arrrghhhhh!!! Don't! Please stop!"
"Not until you're dry as a bone!"
The hero helplessly looks on in fear and disgust... |
With each passing minute, the hero becomes more and more quiet as his powers are being taken from him.
"No....my powers....so weak...."
The Green Lantern feels his strength filling up. Soon, he would be able to tap back into his original source of his powers. But not before taking more of the hero's.
"More! More! I need every last ounce of your power!"
Soon, the hero is fully drained. Every last ounce of power that he had has been sapped from him. All that is left is the husk of a hero.
Your powers are all mine! |
Tossing the hero aside like a used rag, Green Lantern stands charged and brimming with energy. He feels the power of the hero coursing through his veins. The Red Ranger on the other hand, has nothing left. Finding it difficult to even breathe, he is practically motionless as he lies on the bed.
Drained... |
With absolutely no defense left, the hero lies dazed and gasping for air. It is hard to believe the sad state of the once mighty hero. Fallen into the hands of an unexpected enemy., the once proud and valiant defender of the earth lies sprawled across.
How the mighty have fallen... |
"I can't...go out...like this..."
Summoning his remaining strength, he tries to get back up...
Must...get...up... |
...only to have the Green Lantern slam back down onto him.
"You're not going anywhere!"
Defeat after defeat... |
"You're no longer needed to defend this planet! What a pathetic excuse for a hero!"
The Green Lantern continues to insult the beaten hero by shoving his bulge in the hero's face.
"See this?! This is the bulge of a hero!"
The hero's cries are muffled by the bulge stuffed in his mouth.
Adding salt to the wound... |
"Now what to do with you...I'll have to clean up this mess so no one will ever suspect a thing. Even if someone does come looking for you, they'll never find you!"
"What are you going to do with me...?"
"I'll dump you far away where no one will ever suspect."
Wrapping up the garbage tight... |
"First I have to make sure you're all wrapped neatly."
The villain proceeded to hogtie the hero tightly.
Strung up in an even more shameful position, the hero has fallen to his lowest low.
Taking out the garbage... |
"No one will ever hear from you again! You're wasted and will soon be forgotten!!"
The once proud hero... |
Tied neatly for disposal... |
Sapped of his energy... |
To be disposed of in an unknown location... |
"Say your last words, Red Ranger. You'll never have the chance to ever again!"
The hero struggled but fell silent. His defeat was complete. He no longer had the energy to fight anymore. The looming fate grasped at his mind. Soon he would be wiped out from existence. He had nothing left to say.
A fate worse than death...
He collapsed backwards and breathed a long slow sigh of defeat.
The last image of a hero... |
"Then say good night. This world will see the Red Ranger no longer..."