The second episode of the series (shot in terrible lighting with a terrible camera =X ): Spiderman's Clone II
"Last time, our hero Spiderman was attacked in his own home by an evil clone. After succeeding in retrieving the essence, the clone went into the lab to gain Spiderman's power. However, now he seeks even more by drugging our hero with an aphrodisiac, making him unable to resist while being able to get even more powerful essences..."
Sprawled and drugged |
Dazed and confused, our hero fumbles around as the clone runs his hands up and down his body. Reaching his nipples, Spiderman feels a wave of sensation, enhanced by the drug. Unsure of what is happening, our hero responds by feeling the skintight suit of the clone. Both the feel and the look are almost identical to his. He was unsure if he was dreaming or not.
Well it was made clear after the clone started pummeling Spiderman into the bed. Blow after blow to the abs made Spiderman recoil in pain. After the clone stopped, he went right back to our hero's pecs and started rubbing them again. The quick switch from pain to pleasure confused our hero and he was only able to moan out incoherent sounds.
The clone then roped up our hero, binding him tightly. Spiderman struggled but the clone put him in a headlock and choked the strength out of our hero. Struggling to breathe, our hero was pummeled again and again in the abs until he finally fell out of pain and lack of air.
Sleep little spider |
Taking the opportunity, the clone straddled over the hero lifted him up. He dropped him over his knee and followed up with an elbow to the ribs. Dazed and in pain, Spiderman couldn't resist as he was meticulously bound.
Bent over for some punishment |
What is going on...? |
Nowhere left to go |
After having tied up the hero in sturdy rope, the clone proceeded to have some fun. While he felt power surging within him from the previous extraction, he wanted more. He wanted to become stronger than Spiderman and completely dominate him. Currently, the clone only had the upper hand because of the drug and he knew it. He covered his hands over Spiderman's mouth and whispered, "Soon, you will give me the power to take over the city."
"You're mine now..." |
Before extracting the fluids from the hero, the clone wanted to make sure the hero was well and ready. He wanted to make sure all the foreplay led to a massive eruption in juices. The clone went on to further molest and insult our powerless hero.
Total domination |
Having a little fun while he's at it |
To Be Continued...
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